Found 3 total tags.


Notes about various topics. I wouldn’t consider these comprehensive or pointing in any one direction or opinions, just a dump of bullet points and citations.

These are continually in a work-in-progress state. The world is constantly changing, and I am constantly learning. I will update them as needed. Please feel free to view the “History” button on the right sidebar to watch the evolution of these notes, which are stored in git.


Observations about things. I would probably consider this the most structured content on this site, focusing on something I discovered or learned and wanted to document.


Just general thoughts about things. Not necessarily fully formed or analytical in nature, just musings, often opinionated. I try to keep these as a snapshot of my mindset at a given time, but I will correct any factual errors. If I have new additional thoughts, I will do this with an errata in the footnotes or new section, and not try to overwrite an old perspective.