I recently became a task lead at my company. While I’m thrilled at the opportunity, I also am terrified.

I want my teammates to be succeed. I want to also not trap them in meetings, I think we would all appreciate having more time to do technical things. Most importantly, I want the team to never loose sight of the end goal, generating business value. That’s why we get paid the big bucks.


  • Looser sort of scrum
    • “Kanban with deadlines”
  • No story points
    • I find story points are not a great way to really measure “complexity”
      • Software is complex, and we are not great at measuring said complexity!
    • Creates the wrong incentives in terms of works — I’d rather prioritize devs working at their own pace
    • It’s on me, the TL, to make sure things are flowing smoothly
  • Standup 2x a week
    • Standups are mostly focused on giving updates, making sure the rest of the team is synced, and making sure everyone is unblocked
    • If a blocker comes up, schedule a meeting after with the relevant parties to unblock
  • Longer sprints (3-4 weeks) versus shorter sprints
    • Less meetings overall
    • Probably works bc I work in a matrix model company



  • I like 1:1 meetings.
    • Once a week is too often, before the end of a sprint is a good way to decompress + aid in sprint planning.
  • 2-3 days before retro
  • Meeting is max 30 minutes long
  • First half (15 minutes):
    • “Personal” stuff
    • General check-in, how are you, how are you satisfied, what can I do to support you and your goals
    • Strictly not about the project
  • Second half (15 minutes):
    • “What did you work on”
    • “What needs to get done”
  • Share notes directly with them after the meeting
    • If you want your colleagues to trust you, then they need to know how you’re interpreting things
    • Gives them the opportunity to make corrections
    • When the retro comes, your notes can help them shape their own notes

Refine scope, asynchronous collaboration

Create tickets, preliminary

  • Based on convos with team members, create draft “tickets”
    • I’ll likely do this inside obsidian via obsidian-projects

Meet with PM

  • Meet with the PM
  • 30 minutes max meeting
  • Refine scope, check if everything looks good
  • Discuss high-level plans

Post retrospective whiteboard publicly, ask for the creation of notes.

  • Each team member must create 5 notes in advance
    • Gentle bump 1 hour before retro if not completed
  • Ideally: notes are private to everyone before the retro begins
    • Prevent copying of notes
    • Gets honest feedback and discourages herding
      • Is this possible with our current software
  • Color-coded notes, each team member gets their own color

Actually create the tickets inside of Jira

  • Potential: automate it based on the Jira API with a python script?

Retrospective and planning

  • Maximum ONE hour
  • While I like icebreakers, I think they can potentially be a huge time sink while artificially extending the length of the meeting
    • So. Don’t. The goal is for the retrospective to be “fun” outside of the icebreaker.
  • Chit-chat, buffer (5 minutes)
    • Inevitably, it will happen
  • Retro (30 minutes)
    • Given the pre-filled notes, spend time grouping them into the various categories (5 minutes)
    • Have each team member talk about their notes (5 minutes)
    • Create a list of action items based on the common themes of the notes (5 minutes)
    • Vote on which ones are more important (5 minutes)
    • Check if we accomplished the action items from last retro (5 minutes)
  • Sprint Planning (25 minutes)
    • Go over JIRA board, as a group
    • Make slight modifications as needed
    • If more drastic modifications are needed, hold a follow up meeting with the relevant parties